We’ve come to the end of this year’s awards and as proof of the excellent year that was 2013, we had a tie in our Top 10 films. As a result, I will now present the Top 11 Films of 2013, as voted on by members of the LAMB: …
We’re down to the two biggies! First up is Best Director… 5. Paul Greengrass (Captain Phillips) – 32 points 4. Spike Jonze (Her) – 62 points 3. Martin Scorsese (The Wolf of Wall Street) – 79 points 2. Steve McQueen (12 Years A Slave) – 111…
On the awards slate today is Best Actor. Here are the 5 men that the LAMB liked best: 5. Joaquin Phoenix (Her) – 48 points 4. Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club) – 76 points 3. Tom Hanks (Captain Phillips) – 86 points 2. Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf…
7 thoughts on “”
Does it matter if the film was released in 2008 in the US but made earlier? (Like The Fall and OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies were made in 2006.)
Alex – Sure, I’d prefer that they all be “Academy-eligible” for 2008 just for consistency’s sake, but it’s inevitable that some people will include such films in their top 10s, so don’t worry too much about it.
I have to hope that many, many people are doing what you’re doing, Nick. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terribly, terribly disappointed in the turnout of some LAMB events lately.
17 voters so far for this. I think last year’s had 16 voters…only thing is, the LAMB only had 30 or so LAMBs at the time. Bleh.
Am I overreacting in thinking it’s time to change things up around here a bit?
Well, I hope we’re both wrong and that folks are just going through a slow period and that Oscars season reinvigorates a number of stagnant/quiet-until-now LAMBs.
Does it matter if the film was released in 2008 in the US but made earlier? (Like The Fall and OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies were made in 2006.)
Alex – Sure, I’d prefer that they all be “Academy-eligible” for 2008 just for consistency’s sake, but it’s inevitable that some people will include such films in their top 10s, so don’t worry too much about it.
I finally filled out mine. I wanted to wait to see Benjamin Button, so that’s why it took so long.
I have to hope that many, many people are doing what you’re doing, Nick. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terribly, terribly disappointed in the turnout of some LAMB events lately.
17 voters so far for this. I think last year’s had 16 voters…only thing is, the LAMB only had 30 or so LAMBs at the time. Bleh.
Am I overreacting in thinking it’s time to change things up around here a bit?
Fletch: I don’t think you’re overreacting at all.
Remember… I only got like… 2 or 3 emails in response to the new Versus event. That’s pretty lame.
Well, I hope we’re both wrong and that folks are just going through a slow period and that Oscars season reinvigorates a number of stagnant/quiet-until-now LAMBs.
Time will tell…