FYI: I started a dedicated Facebook page for the LAMBcast. I’ll still post something here when a new episode is released, but if you’re looking for a central place for commentary, suggestions, complaints, etc., go here (and LIKE it!).
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Well, we’ll see about that.
If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums.
As usual, the music, as provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website, is the bomb. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service.
Also, we’re still on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one. Thanks for listening!
Archived here:
Was most definitely entertaining. But does once again prove my podcast didn’t deserve to be in that contention (imho)… not even near the same level as the others :).
Now, excuse me while I go mope about and contemplate suicide while caressing my (non-existent) Pulp Fiction posters and watching Requiem for a Dream on my squeaky chair.
This episode was great! I loved it.
Those mono-dialogues were great.
I really felt like I was there…at boot camp…having my physical well-being threatened.
Thanks 😛 .
What? No badly imitated accents this time…?
Does my Al Pacino and British count lol?
This was easily my favorite LAMBcast ever. I had a ton of fun doing this.
Univarn: I wasn’t trying to be mean or nothing. I really was just doing some good natured ribbing/rubbing/whatever that phrase is that doesn’t sound totally gay. (Not that I’m a homophobe. I am a homophone though).
Fletch said to listen to the podcasts and he chose me to be you (I still don’t know why or don’t remember, when we recorded that, I was still waking up then I started drinking so who knows?) and I picked the latest episode you had posted and I heard you going on about your walls and chairs and farm animals so I just imitated that. Tis all. The posters I listed are ones I have hanging up. 😀
I’m with Jason. I don’t think I’ve laughed more making one of these. Now, that might not make for the best podcast, but still…a hell of a good time.
Jason, I picked you because you’re the best amongst who was there at speaking extemporaneously and breaking out into accents and such. I certainly couldn’t do what you do and have it still be entertaining, Uni.
@Jason I think yah did fine, I do ramble on a lot about things going on around me. Not to mention me just talking, and arguing, with myself is difficult to emulate (heck, I can’t even do it myself most the time). The only thing is I’ve been pretty down on my podcast lately so anything pointed out about it is amplified a 100times in the negative in my head as I try to think of ways to get more than 1 download every 4 of them.
Fantastic show, guy — and the post closing clip is classic!
This is my favorite Lambcast to date.
I must admit though, hearing about the classics/essentials did have me screaming at my headphones. Y’all are lucky I wasn’t the one asking the questions.
Oh, and while I do find it funny in the end, the comment about going home with a dvd on a non-watched classic did prompt me to audibly say “You’re a dick Fletch”
…Was pretty funny though.
Nolahn – muchas gracias, senor! You’re not alone.
Hatter – HA! And that was one of my less dickish moments! Seriously, what would The Matineecast be without you telling someone that? It hasn’t been every time, but it’s even been referenced by you at times when it’s not applicable. I thought you’d like that immediately.
First time listening to the podcast and was thoroughly enjoyable! I subscribed to the feed on iTunes. I agree that the worst movie is The Room. One night is was on Adult Swim and I was getting angry just watching it.