Victim: Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
Scene of the Crime: The Last House on the Left 2009: Rebuilt With Different Tools
Killed by: The Horror Digest
Victim: The Lightning Bug’s Lair
Scene of the Crime: Why I Didn’t and Won’t See Piranha 3D
Killed by: Zachary Kelley
Victim: Does Writing Excuse Watching
Scene of the Crime: Infestation (2009)
Killed by: Does Writing Excuse Watching
We’re still trying to go for you guys sending in other people’s posts. So if you want to participate for next week’s chops, send them in to using the following format:
Post Title:
Submitted by:
And have them sent in by midnight Friday night EST.
The same goes for the regular chops, but those go to and those need to be in by midnight Monday night EST.
Thanks for participating!
Whats that? is that a movie title?