URL: http://www.manicmoviegoer.com/
Site Name: Manic Moviegoer
Categories: Reviews, Humor, (Other) Giveaways, Movie Trailers
Rating: PG-13
What is the main focus of your site?
To offer movie reviews from the perspective of two average every day normal guys (with extensive histories of mental illness and irritable bowels) who have absolutely no background pertaining to the arts whatsoever.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?
Our goal is for our readers to have as much fun reading our movie reviews as we have writing them.
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students?
We certainly don’t consider ourselves teachers of anything. We take movies seriously, but we don’t take ourselves that seriously. And we enjoy comments from readers. Between our Monthly Caption Contest and random giveaways, there are always prizes that our readers can win for being involved with us, whether on our blog or on our Facebook fan page at facebook.com/ManicMoviegoer.
How long have you been movie blogging for, and how frequent do you post updates to your site?
The infamous Mr. Wilson and I have been reviewing movies off and on in some shape or form for over ten years. But ManicMoviegoer.com has been up and running since August of 2009. Aside from movie reviews, we also feature trailers for upcoming films. In addition, we also have something we call “Flashback Friday” where we post the original theatrical trailer to an older movie, most notably ones from the 80’s for more laughs, but we’ve been known to include ones from other time periods as well.
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more).
3) Inception.
2) The Dark Knight.
1) The Usual Suspects.
How did you hear about the LAMB?
Various other movie blogs. http://mcarteratthemovies.wordpress.com/ being one. Flix Chatter being another.
Any additional comments, or give yourself an interview question that’s not listed above.