Articles, Podcasts, Artwork, and Lists
On the Frankly, My Dear podcast, Whitney and Scott discuss Streep’s performance in the film Defending Your Life.
Caz, the head of Let’s Go to the Movies, uses Meryl Streep as one of the many examples when questioning if women can be more successful than their husbands/partner in Hollywood?
Toby from Blah Blah Blah Gay questions Streep’s Academy Award history. Was Streep robbed? Or is she simply another Marisa Tomei?.
Over at The Great Movie Project, Alan highlights which Meryl Streep films you should see and which you should avoid.
Jenny, of Big Thoughts From a Small Mind, celebrates Meryl Streep’s birthday by looking at some of her memorable roles.
Over at Movie Mania, Brandon ranks Meryl Streeps tops amongst the 2002 Supporting Actress nominees.
Lesya from Eternity of Dream conducts a Film Arcorstic session on Meryl Streep’s name.
Candice of Reel Talk believes Julie and Julia is a must when planning a Thanksgiving film marathon.
Movie Mania’s, Brandon and a few other bloggers rate Meryl Streep’s performance in It’s Complicated.
Rich, the brains behind Wide Screen World, wonders when Meryl will get her third Oscar?
The Hours
Defiant Success
Foolish Blatherings
The Deer Hunter
Surrender to the Void
Defiant Success
Let’s Go to the Movies
Big Thoughts From a Small Mind
Insight into Entertainment
Commentary Track
Let’s Go to the Movies
Foolish Blatherings
Inspired Ground
The Late, Late Show
Postcards from the Edge
Let’s Go to the Movies
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Defiant Success
Marshall and the Movies
Foolish Blatherings
Let’s Go to the Movies
Angels in America
Insight into Entertainment
The Late, Late Show
Defiant Success
Insight into Entertainment
It’s Complicated
Reel Talk
The Late, Late Show
Film Gurl
Let’s Go to the Movies
Marshall and the Movies
Insight into Entertainment
A Prairie Home Companion
Surrender to the Void
Inspired Ground
Marshall and the Movies
Inspired Ground
Music of the Heart
Marshall and the Movies
Foolish Blatherings
The Devil Wears Prada
Inspired Ground
The Bridges of Madison County
Passion for Film
Let’s Go to the Movies
Mamma Mia!
Foolish Blatherings
Inspired Ground
Insight into Entertainment
Let’s Go to the Movies
Eternity of Dream
Insight into Entertainment
Death Becomes Her
Inspired Ground
Out of Africa
Insight into Entertainment
Julie & Julia
Film Gurl
Le Mot du Cinephilaque
The Late, Late Show
Commentary Track
Insight into Entertainment
Reel Talk
Marshall and the Movies
Foolish Blatherings
Inspired Ground
Let’s Go to the Movies
Next month’s LAMB Acting School 101 subject will be Cary Grant! If you would like to see your favourite actor/actress highlighted in this series, be sure to add their name to the list in the forum section of The LAMB. or email your suggestion to bigthoughtsmallmind@hotmail.com.
Past actors/actresses featured in this column can be found in the LAMB Acting School 101 Archives.
Great collection of links! I wasn’t that interested in her but now I need to check some of these out.
Great effort from everyone
Nice tribute to an excellent actress. Thanks for putting this together CS!