URL: http://iprobablylikedit.blogspot.com/
Site Name: I Probably Liked It
Categories: Reviews, General, Humor, Classic Film, (Other) cult movies, odd movies, foreign films
Rating: PG-13

What is the main focus of your site?
Short reviews of movies of all eras and genres. I have a special place in my heart for Japanese films and cinematic oddities and obscurities. I’m a pretty positive guy, so I tend to stay away from movies that I don’t think I’ll enjoy. In short, I like to like things.

What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?
Originally, my goal was to watch and write about 100 movies within a year, but now I’m just enjoying the process and trying to spread the word on some of these interesting movies.

Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students?
So far, my audience has largely been limited to friends and family, but I would just as happily be the student if anybody has something to teach. Comments are certainly always welcome!

How long have you been movie blogging for, and how frequent do you post updates to your site?
The site was started in January, 2011, and on average, there has been about 10 updates per month.

Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more).
Rashomon, The Royal Tenenbaums, Brazil

How did you hear about the LAMB?
Found a link on http://dtmmr.wordpress.com/

Any additional comments, or give yourself an interview question that’s not listed above.

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