
Not a lot of exposition needed here: Joel, Sam, Nick, Jason and Dylan got together to discuss their recent viewings. It’s a fun show – we know it, you know it, and there it is.

Also on tap:

* Rants of the Week
* Raves of the Week
* Last LAMB Standing

If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too. Either here in the comments section or to [email protected] or to our Facebook page. Also, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one.

Thanks for listening!

Archived here: http://yourlisten.com/Lambcast/lambcast-093-whatcha-been-watchin-lately

3 thoughts on “LAMBcast #93: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

  1. Nice show as usual and some interesting recommends.

    I have actually seen Pi but it slipped my mind during the recording. It was ages ago but I remember it being way to vague and disturbing to leave a really solid impression.

    Finally I got a little inspired after talking about Falling Down so I throw together a little scene analysis of the scene I mention on the podcast.


  2. Nice show all.

    One slight correction I would make about the Oscar season rant is this: In most geographic areas, the season doesn’t really go into full impact until December and January. Last year, The King’s Speech, Black Swan, The Fighter, True Grit, 127 Hours, Rabbit Hole and Blue Valentine were all December or January releases.

    That’s not to say that Sam’s wrong about the quality of what may be at your local cineplex in the beginning of November. I’m just saying that it’s likely not to be a good representation of what Oscar might have in store for us this year… Although it does have the potential to make way for a future rant about how all the Oscar films wait until the end of the year. Hahaha!

  3. Cobra = Awesome. Along with Over the Top, it’s the best Sly performance where he is completely earnest in a ridiculous movie.

    Totally agree with the assessment of Falling Dow except: Really? Taxi Driver? How is Falling Down even in that conversation. I like the movie, but…

    Pi is awesome and should be seen.

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