Fr. Dennis at the Movies
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The Critical Movie Critics
Inspired Ground
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Andy Buckle’s Film Emporium
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Pick’n’Mix Flix
And So it Begins…
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (15 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
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See what our fellow movie lovers at Total Film had to say about The Iron Lady.
The Critical Movie Critics
The Great Movie Project
Duke & The Movies
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Nevermind Pop Film
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Commentary Track
PG Cooper’s Movie Reviews
Temple of Reviews
The Morning Thunder Buffalo
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (12 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
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Pick’n’mix Flix
The Critical Movie Critics
Andy Buckle’s Film Emporium
Wide Screen World
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Film Actually
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (9 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating & review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).
See what our fellow movie lovers at Total Film had to say about A Separation.
The Critical Movie Critics
Can’t Stop the Movies
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (5 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating & review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).
I’m wondering if those scores for A Separation make a new record. Have there been films before where both the average and the median were 5 lambs?
In either case, I can’t wait to see it!
Agreed! Its a pretty impressive LAMB score indeed!
No new record here, but it is apart of an elite group with The Hurt Locker and Slumdog Millionaire.