Pretty good debut here at The LAMB! Here are the scores from last week’s game:
Kano, Alex-2
And if you missed it, here are the answers:
1. A group of women are being chased by a guy in his car.-Death Proof
2. This kid wants to lose his virginity and won’t let food get in the way.-American Pie
1. Two friendly guys fight off a group of not-so-friendly kids.-Tucker & Dale vs Evil
2. Teenagers end up trapped in a cemetery when the monsters decide to attack.-Return of the Living Dead
1. A bunch of cops are after this guy, but they don’t know who he is.-The Usual Suspects
2. Some shit is going down on this side of town.-Big Trouble In Little China
You ready for this week’s game? Sure ya are!
1. Two idiots must pass a high school exam or else the future is doomed!
2. A space farmer must save the girl and stop an evil warlord!
1. A small guy makes tries to turn a business around while facing off a rich guy.
2. Two local heroes become national stars but things go horribly wrong.
1. He’s back! Look out teenage ladies!
2. Some unpopular kids try to fit in at their school.
If you think you know the answer, leave it in the comments. PLEASE tell me which one you’re answering by saying “Easy 1”, “Medium 2”, etc. All answers are first come first serve. Any other questions, leave them in the comments.
Good luck!
E2: Star Wars
That is correct!
E1 – Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
That’s right! All the easy ones are done!
M1 – Gung Ho?
H1: Zoolander
These are tough. Here are a few guesses.
M1 – Tommy Boy
H1 – Halloween
Correct on Hard 1! Wrong on Medium 1.
H1 – Friday the 13th part 2?
or my first thought
H1 – Teen Wolf 2?
Ok, my last guesses for this morning.
H2: either Cromartie High – The Movie
H2: Terri
Bubbawheat: Wrong on the last four you guessed. Keep trying!
E1 Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
E2 Star Wars Episode IV: A new Hope
M1 Big
H1 Cry Baby
H2 Super Bad
Technically, you’re right about the first two, but those have been taken already. Wrong about everything else! And I’m glad cause you been annoying me all week with this MOTM thing HAHA!
I’m not even sure what that is, so no. Sorry.
H2 – Sky High?
Nope, sorry.
H2 – Weird Science?
No, sorry.
H2 – Project X
H2 – The Breakfast Club?
Hard 2: Revenge of the Nerds?
That’s right! All that’s left are the mediums! WOO!
Medium 2: Harold and Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay?
Medium 1: Richie Rich?
M1: It’s a Wonderful Life
No, sorry.
M1 – The Muppets
I agree with Joe Giuliano about M1 being the Muppets.
For M2 my guess is Thelma and Louise.
M1 – Hudsucker Proxy?
Nope, wrong on all guesses. Man, I didn’t think the medium’s would be hard, otherwise I would’ve switched them out with the actual Hard’s. Anyway, here are some hints since it’s been 24 hours.
M1: 1980’s cheesy action movie
M2: Early 90’s Comedy.
Have fun!
M2: Wayne’s World?
M1 – Roadhouse!
BAM! Nick and Bubbawheat is correct! Congratulations, guys!
DAMN! I was gonna say Roadhouse just for the hell of it (since I haven’t seen it yet). I knew I should have gone with my gut!