Trailer Trash Tuesday: 04/10/2012.

Hello Lammies. 

I really hope you all had a great weekend and had lots of awesome,delicious, Easter food with your loved ones.   We got some great movies heading your way in the upcoming months.  Let’s all take a good look at the trailers now so we know what to see and what to skip.


Seeing Oliver Stone’s name attached to this didn’t really give me the sort of satisfaction I was looking for. Unless he is doing a political biopic of some kind or a satire of our obsession with the media.  I really don’t have much interest.  The story is about two friends who’s shared girlfriend gets kidnapped by a drug cartel.  This would have been the catalyst for an exciting movie, but since she mentions right away that she doesn’t live   Why would I want to invest the rest of my time into watching it.

The Bourne Legacy.

Jeremy Renner steps into the action shoes that were previously worn by Matt Damon in this sequel to the hit franchise.  Director Tony Gilroy(“Michael Clayton”) takes over the director chair from Paul Greengrass to tell a different story about another assassin who discovers he was used by the Government and then takes them on.  

The trailer with the lines that reveal an image is a cool technique, and it did make me become more interested in seeing this.   I have a feeling though, that this one will be less action oriented and more plot and character driving.

To Rome With Love.

I really admire that Woody Allen continues to make a movie every year.  Wither the movie he made last year was well received or not.  He never stops wanting to tell stories and that sort of dedication is one all aspiring filmmakers can respect. 

His latest is just a series of romantic adventures between people.  The trailer really didn’t give me sense of just one story, but a collection of different ones.  The cast looks good with Ellen Page, Jesse Eisenberg,Alec Baldwin, and Penelope Cruz.  Plus Allen himself returns on screen in a small part too.   I’m a fan of  his work so of course I will be watching this.  It will be interested to see if others will want to watch this as well.

Take This Waltz

Three time Academy Award nominee Michelle Williams(“Brokeback Mountain“, “Blue Valentine“,”My Week With Marilyn“) teams up with Seth Rogen, Sara Silverman and Luke Kirby in yet another tale of a married woman who falls in love with another man.   The premise alone would usually have me checking out something else, but once I saw this was directed by Sarah Polley.  I immediately became very interested.  Her debut picture “Away from Her” was amazing and very well acted, and I believe she could do the same thing for comedians Rogen and Silverman.  

Let’s know what you think of this week’s releases and don’t forget to leave comments below.

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