Hello Lammies and other fellow Lambsters how are ewe?

Yes I have some new trailers as well as longer trailers of ones that have posted here before.   The summer of 2012 just keeps getting better with the movies that are being released. I hope these titles will actual come to a theatre near me instead of just being shown on VOD. Let’s all have a look at them, shall we.


Magic Mike
June 29 2012

 Channing Tatum re teams with director Steven Soderberg in this story about a well known male stripper named Magic Mike who want to show the girl he loves he’s so much more than a nice bod. Although the very thought of seeing men strip does not appeal to me,I will check this one out because it does have some real charm and charisma from Mr. Tatum.  After seeing him in “21 Jump Street” I know that he can do a lot more than just be a pretty face.  I just hope his next role is in a Terry Gilliam flick or one where he uglies himself up.

Ruby Sparks      
July 25 2012

Calvin,(Paul Dano)writes about his dream woman( Zoe Kazan who also wrote the script) and has her come to life. This latest effort from Directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris(“Little Miss Sunshine“) is indeed a fantasy that a lot of guys would love.  I can’t help that it does look kind of endearing despite it’s somewhat misogynistic premise.  Antonio Banderas, and Annette Bening  are also in this, but the trailer only shows them for a split second.

May 2012 (Cannes Film Festival)

Here is the international/longer trailer for the latest David Cronenberg flick.  I have watched this many times and still can’t conjure up a description of what it’s about, and that is a good thing. All I got was that a bunch of freaky things happen to Robert Pattinson’s character and that there is a protest against our future. General audiences won’t have much love for this movie, but I’m pretty sure true movie geeks will. This is a cinematic orgasm. 

No release date yet.

Jennifer Connelly’s first movie in over three years has her playing a woman who has become pregnant after an affair with an upcoming Senator(Ed Harris).   Known for mostly dramatic roles, it’s nice to see this Academy Award winning actress take on the comedy ones too.   I really don’t think that there is much to the actual story, but the performances from it’s cast makes this one worth seeing.  The only thing that worries me is that it was made two years ago and it still doesn’t have a release date. This is the directorial debut from Academy Award winner Dustin Lance Black (“Milk“)

What do ewe think of this week’s releases.  Hit me up with a comment or send me your suggestions to TheVern@videovangaurd.com

4 thoughts on “Trailer Trash Tuesday: 04/24/2012

  1. Yeah never thought I would say I want to see a movie that has Channing Tatum stripping,but with Soderberg behind the camera. It can’t all be that bad right. Right.

  2. Yes Old School Cronenberg is back. I can’t wait for this? I’m glad Robert Patterson has chosen to do other roles instead of just being the pretty boy.

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