The Netflix Game #6

by Jason Soto · May 26, 2012 · The Netflix Game · 24 Comments

Last week’s game ended to quickly it made my head spin. Congrats to everybody! Here’s the updated scores:

Alex Jowski-8
Lackey, Steve-5
Squasher88, Dan,-3
Kano, Dan Heaton-2
Joel, Alan Grimm-1

And last week’s answers
1. A foreigner arrives in America in hopes of marrying a porn star.-Borat
2. A fashion icon arrives in America in hopes of becoming famous.-Bruno

1. A freshman arrives at a politically correct college.-PCU
2. Two men form a top secret society.-Fight Club

1. This guy doesn’t like the fact the new guy is getting all the attention.-Toy Story
2. A guy and his friends really don’t like what they’re watching.-Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie

Who’s ready for this week’s game? You are! You are!

1.  Two news reporters fall in love.
2. A group of teenagers become friends.

1. A disfigured police officer gets a second chance.
2. She totally forgot everything and needs help figuring out why weird shit is happening.

1 .A nerdy guy gets a chance to date an attractive woman.
2. He was old but very slowly he’s not.

Good luck!