Where Danger Lives! Congratulations, it is a fantastic poster with the look and style of a great classic movie. Well done! Thanks again to all the participants and voters. I’ll be sticking around here to play some more games so be sure to come back every Monday as I bring back the Invasion of the Lambs screenshot game, and a new game that I hope everyone will enjoy. Congratulations once again to Where Danger Lives and just because I can’t get enough of his poster, I’ve got to add it here once again.

5 thoughts on “And the FYC Winner is…

  1. Holy smokes what a day! This morning I woke up in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (site of the very first Academy Awards ceremony), and after a day of crappy flying I’m back home in PA and I see this on the Lamb! How cool! Thanks to everyone who participated in the tournament, and gigantic thanks to Bubbawheat for putting the whole thing together in the first place. I feel very lucky, it’s an honor to have been chosen!

    I was doing the tour of the Warner Bros. lot yesterday, and while my group visited the studio’s monumental prop department, our guide walked right past Dooley Wilson’s piano from ‘Casablanca’ without skipping a beat in her anecdote about one of the actresses from ‘Two Broke Girls’ — all in a rush to get us to their recreation of the Central Perk set from ‘Friends.’ I was steaming, but I also recognized that I was the only member of the group who seemed to care. So hopefully this tournament, the Lammys, and the Lamb itself can continue to showcase and drive traffic to blogs both new and old, about films both new and old, and further strengthen our ever-growing community! I sure do appreciate all of the new visitors I’ve gotten in the past week thanks to the tournament, and I’m really excited to see that many classic blogs and Oscar blogs gave such a strong showing! Nice work everyone!

  2. Fun contest, Bubbawheat. I look forward to it being even bigger next year, but this was pretty great.

    Mucho congrats to Mark, who’s always producing sharp-looking stuff.

  3. Congrats Mark its a well deserved win I really liked your banner. I’m also glad to hear that you received some traffic through the tournament I hope some of those crowds stay along for a while too.

    Bubba: Thanks for hosting this its been a great traffic driver the last couple of weeks. I look forward in seeing you rejuvenate the other LAMB games you have in store for us.

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