
19 thoughts on “#LAMMY2012 Winner – BEST BLOG

  1. This video takes the prize. Awesome! Everyone even nominated in this category should be proud. And of course: special grats to MILF, Steeve and Ryan!

  2. Well done everyone! What a great year for LAMMIES and what a great years for Dylan, Kai, Ryan and Stevee! (Nb. I am now following CINEMATIC PARADOX!)

    And AMAZING video. No need for a best of the video awards … the best was saved till last. Amazing.

  3. Congrats to everyone in this category, especially Dylan, Kai, Ryan, and Stevee! It’s a great group of blogs that all represent the LAMB very well. I’m guessing it was a very tight race.

  4. Wow, totally chuffed. I may not have won but being runner up takes the cake. And I’ve just finished running around telling EVERYONE at school.

    Congrats, team at Man I Love Films and The Matinee!

    Plus, I totally love that video!

  5. Wow! I’m really blown away. I know Dylan and I have worked our asses off this last year and we truly appreciate being recognized for our hard work.

    I also wanna say that we are nothing without our writers so props to them because they work their asses off to put out great content too.

    Congrats to all the nominees and thank you all so much. I am seriously humbled!

  6. Awesome video and congratulations to Dylan and Kai and the team at Man I Love Films for taking the prize. Also congratulations to Ryan and Stevee and the other nominated sites. Fantastic work all round.

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