
Thank you all for your patience and support for my first game here at the Lamb. This tournament has been a lot of work to put together and keep track of, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, and now we’re down to the end. The finals, the big shebang, the whole magilicutty, you get the idea. The semi-finals saw some extra campaigning by The Gold Knight, which he didn’t need by the way, so I’m clarifying the rules slightly. We’re now down to The Gold Knight vs. Where Danger Lives.

You may vote in the comments or if you wish to vote privately you may send an email to me at Bubbawheat@msn.com. Only comments with a name that links to a valid profile/blog (Google, Blogger, WordPress, Livejournal, Lamb member blog, etc) will be accepted. Votes will be accepted through Friday 11:59PM Eastern time. In the case of a tie, a sudden death tiebreaker will be announced on my twitter account @Bubbawheat, the first comment breaks the tie. Good luck!

30 thoughts on “FYC Poster Tournament Finals!

  1. I got to stick with Where Danger Lives. I’ve voted for it in all rounds so far and its brilliant.

    Gold Knight is very awesome to but I go for artwork before information this time.

    Thanks for hosting this Bubba its been awesome!

  2. I would have loved to have some more information in the banner of Where Danger Lives. A sneaky little URL in the frame would have worked without spoiling the artwork.

    Nevertheless it will get my vote out of those two.

    Where Danger Lives

    1. I didn’t see any reason to exclude them, though I’m treating unlinked names the same as being anonymous. It’s just for fun and bragging rights.

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