Presented by Simon Columb of Screen Insight
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#LAMMY2012 Winners and Runner-ups!
So finally this years LAMMYs are behind us. It has been both a fun and very hectic period. After the jump I give you all the winners and runner-ups with their vote tallies. BEST RATING SYSTEM Winner: Cinematic Paradox, 29 votes Runner-up: 3 guys 1 movie, 21 votes BEST BLOG…

#LAMMY2012 Winner – BEST BLOG
Its time for the big Tomato… Presented by The LAMB from Forgotten Films

#LAMMY2012 Winner – Best New LAMB
Ok everyone this video is overlong but I still think you’ll manage… =) Its extremely spoiler heavy so I’ll deactivate the comments for an hour or so… enough talking here it goes!
Simon enjoys torturing all of us with that movie.
Thank you sir.
Oh, and good job Ryan.
Possibly the best. movie. ever.
Big congratulations to Ryan! I’m a dedicated fan of Matineecast (as if you didn’t know already…)
Congrats Ryan!
I text/email/tweet Simon almost every day, and he never breathed a word of this. The guy’s an enigma!
Thanks again everybody – and I do mean AGAIN. Y’all are far too kind.
ha ha! As a guy who lost against you before now, I am now against you winning this award! Third time in a row? Nobody even gets a look in!
Oh … Congrats though. he he
Well played sir, well played.
Congratulations Kai and Heather!!!! 🙂
Congrats, Ryan! …and the guys at MILF!
Thanks for all the votes Lamb members! As silly as I behave I genuinely appreciate the support. Kai and I put a lot of love and patience into the podcast. More patience on his part and more love on mine and congratulations to Hatter the first podcast I was ever on!
Out-freaking-standing! Congratulations to all the nominees! Ryan, cheers to you for showing us how it’s done!
Congratulations to all the nominees, and to Ryan for his win…3 in a row?!?? It’s becoming a trend.
So I’ll be appearing on a LAMMY winning show this weekend. Nice. Well done Ryan, and all the fantastic peeps at MILF!
Thanks to everyone that voted for us. Congrats to Mr. Hatter! He was my first podcast appearance as well and he does a good show.
I am a firm believer that we will win this category when Heather stops singing on the podcast which means we will NEVER win this category.
PS. We are debuting the Official MILFcast logo this week and will be putting out T-shirts and Stickers soon. Come by and check it out if you’re a fan!
You can all just die.
Congratulations Kai and Heather on the runner up slots and Ryan on yet another win. The two best podcasts out there.
Congrats Ryan! We will have to raise a glass or two for you at the next pub night.