
9 thoughts on “#LAMMY2012 Winner – Most Prolific

  1. I can see Nina behind you Stevee! And Inglourious Basterds poster… *sigh*
    Also, this presentation is so much cute with your puppy:)

    Congrats Andy! You work so hard on the blog that it’s awesome that people chose you!

  2. What a lovely sheep substitute you found there Steeve. Charming presentation!

    Grats to Andy as well! Now get going on helping Steeve with her chores. We know you’ve got the capacity.

  3. Thanks everyone, and to everyone who voted my way. Very flattering. Congratulations to Castor, Red, Sam, Max, Nick and the team at Anomalous Material and Ryan, Dan and David for their nominations. Thanks also to Stevee for creating such a charming video. It made me happy. Here’s to another prolific year of blogging.

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