Two Tickets For…
The Voracious Filmgoer
Go, See, Talk! (2.25)
LAMB Bites:
Two Tickets For…: “It’s a whole lot of shtick, but when it’s hitting on all cylinders, The Campaign is a damn funny and vulgar movie.”
Fr. Dennis at the Movies: “Crude (not for kids) but with a point. Today our political process and especially our political ads are similarly offensive.”
Go, See, Talk!: “Funny but too soft to go the satirical distance.”
Flix Chatter
Vern’s Videovangaurd
Awesome Barnhart’s Reviews
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
LAMB Bites:
Love and Squalor Film: “Good attempt at addressing an obvious problem, but doesn’t quite have the follow-through to make it a success…”
Flix Chatter: “An offbeat love story that feels refreshingly authentic”
Vern’s Videovangaurd: “It’s a romantic comedy set in the Twilight Zone.”
Commentary Track
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Radiator Heaven
IanTheCool’s Movie Reviews
Sean Kelly on Movies
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Film Phage
At The Back
Reel Talk
The Smoking Pen
The Bourne Legacy
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
The Great Movie Project
Movies Hate You Too
Flix Chatter
The Movie Review Warehouse
The Movie Waffler
Films From the Supermassive Black Hole
Duke & The Movies
Citizen Charlie
Awesome Barnhart’s Reviews
And So It Begins…
Can’t Stop the Movies
Go, See, Talk!
LAMB Bites:
The Movie Waffler: “The original three films were highly enjoyable, blockbusters for adults which revitalized the spy genre. This is no legacy worth leaving.”
Commentary Track: “Where the connections to the first Bourne movies really pay off is in the exploration of the theme of identity.”
At the Back: “Raises some interesting ethical questions but isn’t spectacular.”
Love and Squalor Film
Two Tickets For…
Cinema Nerdz
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Kirkham A Movie A Day
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
And So it Begins…
LAMB Bites:
Kirkham A Movie A Day: “More drama than the trailers and ads suggest, Streep and Jones are the movie and they are always worthwhile”
Two Tickets For…“a very solid drama and a great/believable look into the marital struggles of an older couple. Great performances by Streep and Jones”
Fr. Dennis at the Movies: “Streep and Carrell were excellent but then so was Tommy Lee Jones who made it real”