Site name Studio Wars
Site URL http://www.studiowars.com
Twitter Handle @studiowars
Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/StudioWars
Categories Reviews
Additional Categories (optional) Fantasy Advice
Site Rating PG
What is the main focus of your site? Studio Wars is a Fantasy Movie League website, a cross between Fantasy Football and Hollywood. We also do movie reviews, lists and monthly Movie Battles.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog? I love creating things, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. My goal is to create a community of movie lovers coming together to hang out and discuss films.
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students? My aim is to get the Studio Wars community as involved as possible. I encourage them to create user profiles and use our league message boards as often as possible.
How long has this site been active for, and how frequently do you post updates to your site? (Note: sites must be active for at least three months for entry to the LAMB.) I have been running Studio Wars for nearly two years with a MAJOR re-haul in the Summer of 2012.
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more). Lord of the Rings, The Dark Knight, Breaveheart
Name a movie you hate!!
How did hear about the LAMB? If it was a LAMB, do you recall which one? Google search for Movie Blogs

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