Here’s another edition of the LAMBScores, just in time for Halloween. Although Frankenweenie is the only film that’s really related to the holiday, I’m sure you can find something to be scared about when it comes to Taken 2. Throw in some teenage angst with The Perks of Being a Wallflower and America’s favorite ingredient, Butter, and you have this week’s LAMBScores. As always, feel free to post your own scores in the LAMBScores Forum, but please, read the rules beforehand.
Defiant Success
Kirkham A Movie A Day
Awesome Barnhart’s Reviews
Love and Squalor Film
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Reel Talk
The Movie Waffler
Cinema Won
An Online Universe
Movie Reviews by Tom Clift
Two Tickets For…
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Film Forager
The Vern’s Videovangaurd
3 Guys 1 Movie
Citizen Charlie
Temple of Reviews
Go, Seek, Talk!
LAMB Bites:
Movie Reviews by Tom Clift: “While the film contains all of Burton’s recognizable – one could say tired – auteurist trademarks, it also boasts a sense of inventiveness and sincerity that makes it his most enjoyable production in quite a considerable while.”
Citizen Charlie: “The story is a bit forgettable but the wink-wink praise for its horror ancestors makes the movie worth the trip.”
Kirkham A Movie A Day: “If you love a dog, you should love this.”
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Sean Kelly on Movies
Commentary Track
The Cinematic Spectacle
The Bishop Review
The Cinematic Katzenjammer
Go, See, Talk!
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Citizen Charlie
Rorschach Reviews
The Movie Waffler
An Online Universe
Let’s Go to the Movies
LAMB Bites:
The Movie Waffler: “If the Asylum made a Bourne Identity knock-off it would be pretty similar to what we get here.”
An Online Universe: “One of the best comedies this year”
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Two Tickets For…
Film Actually
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah
The Great Movie Project
Benend’s Basement
Rorschach Reviews
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Go, See, Talk!
Love and Squalor Film
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Citizen Charlie
Rambling Film
Temple of Reviews
The Warning Sign
LAMB Bites:
Go, See, Talk!: “It becomes a fascinating character arc triumphing over isolationism and personal demons with with endearing characters and an awesome 80′s soundtrack”
The Movie Waffler: “If spending 100 minutes in the company of a bunch of pretentious teenage snobs sounds like fun then this is your movie.”
Two Tickets For…:”A perfect balance of humor and honest depictions of teenage issues, anchored by great performances”
Benend’s Basement: “Chbosky juggles so many difficult themes, molding them all into a beautiful and relatable story”
Rorschach Reviews: “It’s a tenderly made, beautifully acted and amazingly heartfelt film”
Mutton that Missed the Cut:
Butter: 3.00 (3)