Darren Aronofsky
Overall Rating: 4.16
Huge apologies for the late posting of the Director’s Chair, featuring Darren Aronofsky. I know many of you were looking forward to it, so here it is. As I stated in my introduction post, I wanted to implement scores into the Director’s Chair feature. So, below you’ll see average scores for each of Aronofsky’s films as well as an overall score for the director himself, which will be used moving forward to compare him to other directors. I’m still figuring out WordPress’ formatting, so bear with me.
REVIEWS for Pi (1998)
LAMB Score: 3.50 (7)
REVIEWS for Requiem for a Dream (2000)
LAMB Score: 4.61 (9)
REVIEWS for The Fountain (2006)
LAMB Score: 3.83 (6)
REVIEWS for The Wrestler (2008)
LAMB Score: 4.63 (8)
REVIEWS for Black Swan (2010)
LAMB Score: 4.25 (18)
Surrender to the Void: Favorites Films- The Wrestler
Surrender to the Void: The Auterus: Darren Aronofsky
Cinematic Corner- Black Swan Possession Theory
Cinematic Corner- 48 Hidden Images in Black Swan
A Fistful of Films- Director’s Chair
And So It Begins Darren Aronofsky Career Write Up
Looks good Nick! I like the posts outlook too, so don’t worry, no bearing with you, just enjoying.
Awesome director, Black Swan is my favorite movie and manages to have impact on me every time I watch it.