
This week, the LAMBScores features a couple of very, very different films. First up, we have the epic Cloud Atlas, a film that spans centuries, universes, lifetimes, and so much more. Is the movie’s ambition rewarded with a great LAMBScore? Check out below. Up next is Silent Hill: Revelation, the sequel video game adaptation that tries hard to duplicate the success of the first film but comes up pretty short. The 3D doesn’t help. Bringing up the rear, and unfortunately not qualifying for the scores are both Fun Size and Chasing Mavericks. As always, however, feel free to post your own scores over at the LAMB Forums and join the discussion.


Rotten Tomatoes: 3.20 (64%)
IMDB: 4.10 (8.2/10)
LAMB: 4.28 (18)
Average: 3.86

Go, See, Talk!
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
The Cinematic Spectacle
Sketchy Details

Movie Reviews by Tom Clift

 1001 Plus
Citizen Charlie
Two Dollar Cinema
Surrender to the Void
Love and Squalor Film

Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
The Movie Review Warehouse
Reel Talk
Flix Chatter
The Sanity Clause

Rorschach Reviews
And So It Begins… 

LAMB Bites:
Movie Reviews by Tom Clift:
“A big, bold, beautiful work of staggering ambition and artistry”
Go, See, Talk!: “For its scope, scale, and boldness, the film’s true spirit houses itself comfortably in the thematic realms that lie between and beneath every second of lush visual extravagance.”
The Sanity Clause: “Whether or not it’s actually about anything is beside the point. It has the same transcendent, sci-fi possibilities and mumbo-jumbo that The Matrix did… but at the end of the day it’s a fun journey through time with just as much visual imagination.” 

Rotten Tomatoes: 0.30 (6%)
IMDB: 3.05 (6.1/10)
LAMB: 1.64 (7)
Average: 1.66

Fr. Dennis at the Movies (2.5)
Cinema Nerdz (2.5)
Benend’s Basement (2)
TME Ink (1.5)
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah (1)
Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob (1) 

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