With close to 1500 members, our shepherd Joel has decided that the LAMB is more than large enough to accommodate a second podcast. So joining the LAMBcast will be The Film Pasture, a new show dedicated to exploring the world of film and film blogging through the eyes of you, the writers. Each week, we will explore one or more topics through a series of interviews and discussions with members of the LAMB.
In this first episode, we learn a bit about the history of the site from its founder before talking with current shepherd Joel Burman about the LAMB’s future. The podcast can be found at The Film Pasture podomatic feed. We will also be including The Film Pasture on the LAMBcast feed for the first few episodes.
Moving forward, I encourage any and all LAMB members who would like to come on the show to drop me an email at thefilmpasture@verizon.net or comment below. If you have an idea for a topic or feedback, I want to hear that too. In addition, I’ve set up a Twitter account at @filmpasture that you can follow to learn when new shows are posted or to find out about opportunities to come on the show.
You can expect new shows to be posted every other Wednesday. I’m looking forward to all of our future discussions!
UPDATE: I have corrected the audio mix so hopefully those who were having left versus right channel issues can hear both sides of the conversation now. In addition, you can now subscribe through iTunes.
You know I’m in!
Good, ’cause I have ideas….
WooHoo! Great show and thanks for plugging the LAMB Devours the Oscars too.
Thanks and no problem! LAMB Devours the Oscars is a fun read.
Sounds like a great idea for a show!
I can’t hear any of Dylan’s audio. With the headphones I’m using, only one ear works so it might just be that the audio isn’t mixed.
Yup – that’s it.
This should hopefully be corrected now if you download it again. Thanks for letting me know. Still learning here…
Lol…Neil Diamond.
There will be no mocking of Neil!
I’m really glad that this is happening! I love the idea and the first episode was just great! The only little complaint I have is that I prefer a mixed sound to having one in each ear. I always listen through earplugs, but occasionally I drop one and it’s kind of annoying to miss out half of what is said.
Awesome Jessica, make sure to subscribe in iTunes when we get that feed up. I have big hopes for pasture!
iTunes feed is up and the audio should be corrected. Thanks for the feedback!