
The Movie of the Month Winner was selected from a list of seven, submitted by LAMBcast host Richard Kirkham in recognition of the month of his birth. All of the films were Blind Spots for your host and new Shepard, so whatever won was going to be something new for the show, even if the film was sixty years old.

Two films that were submitted received no votes, but the race between the top two films was close until the end. The Movie of the Month for February will be…The King of Comedy, the 1982 film from Martin Scorsese.

Richard is excited to finally cross this off of his blind spot list (Yes I am writing in the third person)

The show will record on February 18th and we still have room for another guest. If you are interested let Richard know and you will be added to the discussion.

We Need Submissions for the March Movie of the Month Poll. If you would like to host a discussion of a movie you are ready to talk about, step up and offer your film now.

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