Welcome back. We are moving right along with the next award for Best Actress. Here are your top 5:


5. Marion Cotillard (Rust and Bone) – 71 points




4. Quvenzhané Wallis (Beast of the Southern Wild) – 125 points




3. Emmanuelle Riva (Amour) – 128 points




2. Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook) – 187 points




1. Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) – 206 points


Congrats to Jessica Chastain! Jennifer Lawrence perhaps hurt herself (she split her own vote with The Hunger Games), paving an easier path to victory for Miss Chastain. Zero Dark Thirty seems to have lost all of its early momentum, but maybe Chastain can still pull an upset come Oscar night?

This lineup was almost the Oscar 5, with Naomi Watts coming in 6th with 66 points. I’m glad to see that the LAMB had no problem with putting 2 foreign language performances in our top group though. Tomorrow we return with another big one – Best Actor!


Previous Winners


2008: Kate Winslet (Revolutionary Road) & Anne Hathaway (Rachel Getting Married)


2009: Carey Mulligan (An Education)


2010: Natalie Portman (Black Swan)


2011: Rooney Mara (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

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