THE 6TH ANNUAL LION AWARDS: Worst Films of 2012

by Shane Slater · February 23, 2013 · LIONs for LAMB · 7 Comments

Now for a slight change of pace as we announce the films that earned the dishonor of being named the Worst Films of 2012. Here they are:


5. Project X (28 points)



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3. Cosmopolis and Piranha 3DD (31 points)




2. Total Recall (33 points)




1. Battleship (44 points)


As you can probably imagine, it’s impossible to get a consensus for determining the worst films. These were basically some of the very few films to get more than one vote, so that’s how they pushed ahead of the others.

Tomorrow is the big finale, as we declare the LAMB’s Top 10 Films of 2012! Stay tuned.