
10 thoughts on “2013 LAMMY for Best Classic Film Blog!

  1. Congratulations 100 Years. This was a fantastic presentation of the nominees. I wanted to revisit each of these sites as they were being described. It looked great and the summary of the sites goals was beautifully expressed. So congratulations to David as well.

  2. And, by the way, major kudos to David for a fantastic presentation in his video. Professional, thorough…IMPRESSIVE!


  3. Congrats to Pat @ 100 Years and all of the other nominees! I hadn’t realized each of the other nominees was a first-timer this year — I feel like the godfather now!

    Major props to David for that FANTASTIC presentation video. It was incredibly flattering and displayed each of the blogs at their absolute best!

  4. Wow. Great presentation David. Really good work there. Congrats to Kristen and Pat on their wins. There are some good classic blogs I need to look at this weekend.

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