
Classic_ChopsIt’s time for another installment of Classic Chops! This time was a free for all…any post on anything related to any film, pre-1965. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

For the next classic chops we’ll focus on the realm of sci-fi. So, we’re looking for your reviews and articles on classic sci-fi films. Remember, the films should have been released before 1965. Send your submissions to classicchops@gmail.com by midnight on Sunday September 14.

Now…enjoy these great posts:

I Think Therefore I Review:
From Here to Eternity
The Glenn Miller Story
The Birds
Jailhouse Rock
Some Like It Hot

Silver Emulsion:
The Crimson Kimono
Underworld U.S.A.
The Naked Kiss
Things to Come

Cinematic Catharsis:
The Colossus of New York

Coogs Film Blog:
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
The Great Dictator

The Bitter Tea of General Yen

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