

It’s time for another edition of Classic Chops!  This time we’re focusing on the world of classic sci-fi films.  Thanks to everyone who contributed a link!

Believe it or not, it’s already time to start getting ready for Halloween.  October is almost here!  That means we’ve got some classic horror in store!  Our next installment of Classic Chops will be focused on the films of two all-time great horror actors: Bela Lugosi & Boris Karloff.  We’re looking for reviews of their films, retrospectives of their careers, or maybe even a head to head face off to determine who was the greatest monster movie star.  Send your links to classicchops@gmail.com before midnight on Monday September 30.

Now, enjoy these classsic sci-fi links:

Cinematic Catharsis:
The Atomic Submarine
These are the Damned
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The Blob

Tips from Chip:
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Fantastic Voyage
Movies Before Star Wars

Films from Beyond the Time Barrier:
X: The Man with X-Ray Eyes
First Man Into Space

The Lightning Bug’s Lair:
The Blob
The Return of Dr. X
Attack of the 50-Foot Woman

Forgotten Films:
Four Sided Triangle

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