
Skärmavbild 2013-12-03 kl. 16.21.15

Site name Rambling Rooby
Site URL http://ramblingrooby.wordpress.com/
Twitter Handle @RoobyDee
Facebook Page  
Categories Reviews
other (enter below)
Additional Categories (optional) Music and Concerts
Site Rating PG
What is the main focus of your site? Film Review started as the main focus – I plan to do more editorial pieces in the new year.
The site is mainly a forum to express my views on film and my obsession with pop culture.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog? Personally – just to get my opinions out; and an outlet to talk about film and pop culture (as I work in a bro-dominated financial district job with “dudes” who could care less about film).
Professionally – to network with other film lovers and explore the possibility of freelance work writing on film.
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students? Interactive – but my blog is still small, so it’s mainly been teaching so far.
How long has this site been active for, and how frequently do you post updates to your site? (Note: sites must be active for at least three months for entry to the LAMB.) Active for about 7 months.
Try to post at least once every 1.5 weeks (usually more often if I have free time)
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more). The Sandlot
The Godfather
Big Fish
Name a movie you hate!! Twilight…all of them
How did hear about the LAMB? If it was a LAMB, do you recall which one? Twitter! @ShalaThomas

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