Regular visitors to The LAMB will know that this year’s LAMB Devours The Oscars blogathon has been up and running for nearly two weeks, with new posts by LAMBs from around the world being released every morning. However, there are still 8 categories open, and we’re looking for LAMBs who are willing to write a 200-400 word piece on each.
If you’d like to write about any of the 8 categories below or have any questions, email as soon as possible!
Thanks to all the LAMBs who have already signed up!
Available Categories
- Dallas Buyers Club
- Nebraska
- Best Actor in a Leading Role
- Alfonso Cuaron- Best Director
- Costume Design
- Sound Editing
- Feature Documentary
- Short Documentary
Below is a list of the categories already assigned. You can see previous posts from this year’s LDTO here.
Best Picture
American Hustle: Ryan Reviews Movies
The Wolf of Wall Street: Cinema Paradox #613
Her: Film Thoughts By Zach
12 Years A Slave: I Luv Cinema
Philomena: The Movie Rat
Captain Phillips: FilmPhage
Gravity: BuzzHub
Best Director
Martin Scorsese: Joel Burman
Steve McQueen: And So It Begins
Alexander Payne: The Entertainment Junkie
David O. Russell: Marshall & The Movies
Individual Categories
Best Actress: Just Chick Flicks
Best Supporting Actor: Rambling Film
Best Supporting Actress: Defiant Success
Adapted Screenplay: Back To The Film
Original Score: BuzzHub
Original Song: The Vern’s Video Vanguard
Cinematography: Film Actually
Visual Effects: Flights, Tights & Movie Nights
Animated Feature: Forgotten Filmz
Sound Editing: BuzzHub
Live-Action Short, Animated Short: Margaret Perry
Hair & Makeup: BuzzHub
I’ll write about animated short or live action short.
I’ve just posted a review of Dallas Buyers Club. If you’d like to use it that would be great or I’m happy to adapt it I was previously writing at but have recently moved to a new site. Lamb number #1455
Here’s my piece about the Live Action Shorts: