
lamb-default-post-thumbThe LAMB site has been a busy place over the last few months. Hats off to our new shepherd, Jay, and all the other LAMBS who have stepped up to start new series’. One area of the site that hasn’t been very active in recent months is the Forums. Now, in this time of Facebook and Twitter many people don’t frequent forums like they once did. Still, it can be useful for some things. So, we are attempting to breathe new life into the LAMB forums, and we need all you LAMB members out there to help out.

We’ve start a handful of new threats over there in the last few days with more to come soon. We hope that many LAMB members will step up and add some discussion topics.

However, the big piece of news related to the forums is a new thread called The Great Movie Swap! I won’t go into all the details here (you’ll have to read it at the Forums)…but it’s essentially a way to trade DVD’s and Blu Rays that you aren’t going to watch again with other LAMB members. You’ll be able to feed your own movie watching habit and get more material to review for your blog while helping other LAMB members with their own movie addictions. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t…but we’re going to give it a try.

So…go check out the Forums…especially the Movie Swap…and help get some activity going over there again!

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