
Once again, it’s time to round up posts on Director’s Chair. Now before I put them in I will say that I didn’t expect to get a lot of responses this time around. I’m glad that I was able to get some responses for this feature but I know that with Satoshi Kon and the last director I chose, Derek Jarman, I may have gone a bit too obscure with my choices. Let me say then that for the next few months, the directors that I will cover will be more widely known and mainstream. At the very least, if I or any of the posts featured below are able to convince you to watch any of Kon’s films, then I will consider this run worth it. Without further ado, here are the posts for the films of Satoshi Kon.

Perfect Blue:

FilmWhys – https://flightstightsandmovienights.com/2014/10/07/filmwhys-38-perfect-blue-and-the-dark-knight/

From The Depths of DVD Hell – http://fromthedepthsofdvdhell.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/perfect-blue.html


From The Depths of DVD Hell – http://fromthedepthsofdvdhell.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/elwoods-essentials-8-paprika.html


Come back tomorrow for the reveal of who the next person spotlighted in Director’s Chair will be.

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