
“Cult Chops” a monthly feature where each month we will be looking at a different genre of cult cinema as well as key actors and directors who established their legacies directing films from these genres

July  was all about “Natural Horror Moves” a cult cinema sub-genre with almost as many names is there are varieties of animals running amok and here’s what the LAMB members had to say about these movies. Thanks again to everyone for their submissions.



French Toast Sunday

5 Best Man Versus (Freaks of) Nature Showdowns

Classic Character: Quint from Jaws (1975)

Trivial Peruse: Jaws

I Think, Therefore I Review

70’s Creatures and Killers

Cult, Camp and Creepers!

Horror So Bad It’s Good

To The Escape Hatch

Escape by Starting a Monkey Uprising: Rise of the Planet of the Apes 

Favorite Scene Friday! King Kong: Kong vs. the Dinosaurs

Favorite Scene Friday! Jaws: Quint Scares The Shit Out Of Us


Exploding Helicopter

Deep Blue Sea

The Swarm

The LAMBcast



Exploding Helicopter

Big Ass Spider 

Deep Blue Sea 

Mega Piranha 

Piranha 2: The Spawning 

The Swarm

Forgotten Films

From The Depths of DVD Hell

2-Headed Shark Attack

Black Sheep

Dark Age


Jaws 2

Jaws: The Revenge


Lake Placid 2

Mega Piranah


Piranah 3DD

Shark Swarm



Wild Beasts

Fogs’ Movie Reviews

Eight Legged Freaks

Life Vs. Film

The Nightmare Gallery
Tranquil Dreams

Next Month: Ozploitation

Time to head down under for some of the most wildest, sickest and downright strange films ever made…. Welcome to the world of Australian exploitation cinema !! A genre which always existed lurking beneath the surface as it wormed its way in seemingly every sub-genre of cult cinema while bringing with it a very distinctive style of film making as reckless and visionary directors like Brian Trenchard Smith and George Miller showed a whole different and much wilder side to their homeland

Submissions: elwoodjones99@yahoo.com


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