
christmas_chopsWell, it’s that time of year! Hang up your stocking…bake some cookies…max out your credit cards. You know the drill. Of course, don’t forget to watch some Christmas movies! There are a lot of good ones out there, and a lot of lousy ones, too. We want to give you the chance to share your reviews of any and every movie that is even remotely related to Christmas. It’s free linkage, folks! Whadya got to loose!?

Send us your reviews of Christmas-themed movies to share with the LAMB community. Even if it’s a movie with just one Christmas moment…send us the link! Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life…Christmas movie? Mean Girls…Christmas movie? Better off Dead…Christmas movie? You decide!

Whatever reviews you decide to share…send you links to [email protected]. You only have a short time to do it this time. Please send you reviews by the end of the day on Wednesday December 21.

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