Hello everyone, it’s once again time to show off all of the posts that you have sent me for the films of Richard Linklater. I got a good amount of links this month and I thank everyone who sent in features of Linklater’s films. With that said, here are the posts:
It’s Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books:
Dazed and Confused:
Before Sunrise:
- Life vs Film
- Surrender to the Void
- Movierob
- The Vern’s Video Vortex
- Public Transportation Snob
- Almost Ginger
The Newton Boys:
Waking Life:
School of Rock:
Before Sunset:
Bad News Bears:
Fast Food Nation:
A Scanner Darkly:
Me and Orson Welles:
Before Midnight:
Everybody Wants Some:
Richard Linklater Overall:
Thanks again to everyone who sent features in. Come back tomorrow for the announcement of the next director that will be featured on Director’s Chair.
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