
One of our newest LAMB members, Allie from Often Off Topic, is hosting a blogathon. In her words, here’s what it involves:

It’s been far too long since I’ve hosted a Blogathon and for a couple of weeks now I’ve been wracking my brain for an idea. It was actually whilst at work that I discovered that 26th August 2018 is National Dog Day! As a lover of dogs both real and fictional, I thought this would be a great chance to celebrate Man’s best friend whilst still talking movies.

So, what I would like to propose is the following…

  1. Write a dog-related movie post for your blog. Tell us about your favourite on-screen canine, put together a Top 10 list, whatever your creative minds can think of.
  2. Publish your post on Sunday 26th August 2018, on National Dog Day.
  3. Either send me a link to your post as a comment on the blogathon home page, send it to me on Twitter, or email it to [email protected]. Heck, write the link on a post-it note and stick it on my front door if you like! Just let me know!
  4. Optional: Do you have a dog? Or perhaps you had a dog you sorely miss? Share them with us, all dogs should be celebrated!
  5. On the following day, I’ll create a master post with links to everyone’s posts.

Feel free to use my banner, or create your own, and have fun with it! I really hope to see my Blogroll filled with furry faces on the 26th August.

If you have something you’d like to plug or promote on the LAMB, get in touch!

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