Over on the Lambcast we’ve just celebrated our 100th Movie of the Month by holding a Movie of the Month Draft show, on which Jay, Richard, Rebecca, Jess, Mark and Nolahn all competed to build the best team of films that have previously been the LAMB’s Movie of the Month, and now it’s your chance to vote for the best team! Listen to the show first here: https://largeassmovieblogs.com/2019/11/lambcast-505-movie-of-the-month-draft.html
Richard’s Team (The Thing [1982], The Wild Bunch, Chinatown, Gremlins, An American Werewolf in London)

Jay’s Team (The Princess Bride, Boogie Nights, Inglourious Basterds, School of Rock, Flash Gordon)

Mark’s Team (Timecop, Tombstone, Demolition Man, The Mummy [1999], Die Hard 2)

Rebecca’s Team (Double Indemnity, Heathers, Labyrinth, The Wicker Man, Talk to Her)

Jess’ Team (Clue, The Shining, Children of Men, Black Dynamite, Timecrimes)

Nolahn’s Team (Die Hard, The Shawshank Redemption, This is Spinal Tap, Battle Royale, The Room)

Richard gets my vote here. That’s one hell of a consistently brilliant draft. Nolahn came close but spoiled it with The Room.