Where are the Lambscores for 2020? Where are they? WHERE?!?! Yeah, I know, they’re coming, but we can’t move onto the current year until we finish off the last one, which means it’s time for the annual round up of all the “smaller” films that didn’t accrue enough reviews upon their initial release, but have done now. I use the word “smaller” loosely, as this batch includes a Best Picture nominee, a few other Oscar hopefuls, a smattering of animated films, some horror, a big budget disaster movie and a heap of dramas with more limited releases. Basically, there’s something for everyone, so take a peruse at the LAMB community’s thoughts on a whole bunch of 209 movies.

Marriage Story
LAMB Average: 4.43 (21 sites)
Cinematic Corner (5)
Keith Loves Movies (5)
Movie Reviews 101 (5)
Rambling Film (5)
Surrender to the Void (5)
The Code is Zeek (4.5)
The MN Movie Man (4.5)
The Movie Waffler (4.5)
MovieRob (4.5)
Often Off Topic (4.5)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (4.5)
Screen DJ (4.5)
Silver Screen Riot (4.5)
Tinsel & Tine (4.5)
CineMarvellous! (4)
The Critical Movie Critics (4)
Mahan’s Media (4)
Matthew Liedke on Film (4)
Sinekdoks (4)
SK on Movies (4)
Screen Zealots (3.5)

Wild Rose
LAMB Average: 4.17 (6 sites)
The Michigan Movie Guy (5)
Kirkham A Movie A Day (4.5)
The MN Movie Man (4.5)
Coogs Review (4)
Keith Loves Movies (3.5)
Silver Screen Riot (3.5)

LAMB Average: 4.17 (6 sites)
Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic (4.5)
Mahan’s Media (4.5)
MovieRob (4.5)
CineMarvellous! (4)
The Code is Zeek (4)
The Reviews (3.5)

Apollo 11
LAMB Average: 4.17 (6 sites)
The Michigan Movie Guy (5)
The MN Movie Man (5)
The Movie Moustache (5)
The Code is Zeek (4)
MovieRob (3)
SK on Movies (3)

The Two Popes
LAMB Average: 4.05 (10 sites)
Keith Loves Movies (5)
Movie Reviews 101 (5)
MovieRob (4.5)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (4.5)
CineMarvellous! (4)
The Code is Zeek (4)
Joel Watches Movies (4)
SK on Movies (3.5)
Matthew Liedke on Film (3)
Rambling Film (3)

LAMB Average: 3.94 (8 sites)
Keith Loves Movies (4.5)
CineMarvellous! (4)
The Critical Movie Critics (4)
The MN Movie Man (4)
Rambling Film (4)
Screen Zealots (4)
Silver Screen Riot (4)
The Movie Waffler (3)

Pain & Glory
LAMB Average: 3.88 (8 sites)
Coogs Review (5)
Mahan’s Media (5)
CineMarvellous! (4)
The Code is Zeek (4)
The MN Movie Man (4)
The Movie Waffler (4)
MovieRob (2.5)
Rambling Film (2.5)

Little Monsters
LAMB Average: 3.57 (7 sites)
Keith Loves Movies (4.5)
The Critical Movie Critics (4)
Screen Zealots (4)
SK on Movies (4)
CineMarvellous! (3.5)
The Last Thing I See (3)
The Movie Waffler (2)

LAMB Average: 3.54 (13 sites)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (5)
Silver Screen Riot (4.5)
Citizen Charlie (4)
The Code is Zeek (4)
The Movie Waffler (4)
Rambling Film (4)
Keith Loves Movies (3.5)
The MN Movie Man (3.5)
Screen DJ (3.5)
CineMarvellous! (3)
Matthew Liedke on Film (2.5)
MovieRob (2.5)
Screen Zealots (2)

Just Mercy
LAMB Average: 3.54 (12 sites)
Keith Loves Movies (4)
Matthew Liedke on Film (4)
The MN Movie Man (4)
Movie Reviews 101 (4)
Music Movies Thoughts (4)
Rambling Film (4)
MovieRob (3.5)
Often Off Topic (3.5)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (3)
Screen Zealots (3)
Tinsel & Tine (3)
The Movie Waffler (2.5)

The Report
LAMB Average: 3.50 (11 sites)
Keith Loves Movies (4.5)
MovieRob (4.5)
Rambling Film (4.5)
The Code is Zeek (4)
Citizen Charlie (3.5)
Mahan’s Media (3.5)
Matthew Liedke on Film (3.5)
CineMarvellous! (3)
Silver Screen Riot (3)
Screen Zealots (2.5)
The Movie Waffler (2)

Official Secrets
LAMB Average: 3.50 (7 sites)
The Movie Moustache (4)
MovieRob (4)
Rambling Film (4)
CineMarvellous! (3.5)
The Movie Waffler (3.5)
Citizen Charlie (3)
The MN Movie Man (2.5)

The Death of Dick Long
LAMB Average: 3.50 (5 sites)
The Movie Waffler (4.5)
The Last Thing I See (4)
Silver Screen Riot (4)
The MN Movie Man (3)
Screen Zealots (2)

LAMB Average: 3.40 (5 sites)
Sinekdoks (4)
CineMarvellous! (3.5)
Screen Zealots (3.5)
Keith Loves Movies (3)
Matthew Liedke on Film (3)

In Fabric
LAMB Average: 3.40 (5 sites)
The Movie Waffler (4.5)
The Last Thing I See (4)
SK on Movies (4)
CineMarvellous! (3.5)
MovieRob (1)

LAMB Average: 3.27 (11 sites)
Rambling Film (4)
Tinsel & Tine (4)
Keith Loves Movies (3.5)
The MN Movie Man (3.5)
The Movie Waffler (3.5)
Music Movies Thoughts (3.5)
CineMarvellous! (3)
The Code is Zeek (3)
Out There in the Dark (3)
Matthew Liedke on Film (2.5)
MovieRob (2.5)

Motherless Brooklyn
LAMB Average: 3.15 (10 sites)
The Movie Moustache (4.5)
MovieRob (4)
The Code is Zeek (3.5)
Matthew Liedke on Film (3.5)
The Movie Waffler (3)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (3)
Rambling Film (3)
Tinsel & Tine (3)
Music Movies Thoughts (2.5)
Screen Zealots (1.5)

The Addams Family
LAMB Average: 3.00 (11 sites)
AndersonVision (4)
Joel Watches Movies (4)
Lyles Movie Files (4)
Cinema Parrot Disco (3)
CineMarvellous! (3)
Harold Gross: The 5.a.m. Critic (3)
Keith Loves Movies (3)
Every Film Blog (2.5)
The MN Movie Man (2.5)
Screen Zealots (2)
Sinekdoks (2)

LAMB Average: 2.75 (8 sites)
The MN Movie Man (4)
MovieRob (3.5)
The Movie Moustache (3)
The Movie Waffler (3)
Matthew Liedke on Film (2.5)
Sinekdoks (2.5)
Citizen Charlie (2)
Screen Zealots (1.5)

Rambo: Last Blood
LAMB Average: 2.50 (8 sites)
Sinekdoks (4)
Matthew Liedke on Film (3)
The Movie Waffler (3)
The Movie Moustache (2.5)
CineMarvellous! (2)
Mahan’s Media (2)
MovieRob (2)
Keith Loves Movies (1.5)

The Goldfinch
LAMB Average: 2.44 (9 sites)
Screen Zealots (4)
The MN Movie Man (3.5)
MovieRob (3.5)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (2.5)
Citizen Charlie (2)
Mahan’s Media (2)
The Movie Waffler (2)
Keith Loves Movies (1.5)
The Movie Moustache (1)

Child’s Play
LAMB Average: 2.30 (5 sites)
Movie Reviews 101 (3.5)
Matthew Liedke on Film (3)
Sinekdoks (3)
The Movie Waffler (1.5)
The MN Movie Man (0.5)
LAMBscores will return next week with: The Grudge, Like a Boss, Underwater, Dolittle, Bad Boys for Life
If you want to get involved, here’s how LAMBScores work: Over in the LAMB Forums there’s a sub-board called LAMBScores. If you’ve written a review or recorded a podcast on a new release, find (or create) the thread there, and leave a link to your review, along with your site name and a score out of 5. Three weeks after the film has received a wide release the reviews will be collated and posted here, as long as there are at least five.