It’s time to vote for the next Movie of the Month! These films have all been submitted by LAMB members, and whichever one wins the poll will get a Lambcast episode dedicated to it, which the film’s champion gets to guest host. For March we’ve got no host birthdays to celebrate and no special themes, so any film can be submitted! And boy have some of our LAMBs taken that description of “any” to breaking point. We’ve got five options for you this month, and the poll is at the bottom of the page:
The Conversation (1974) [David Brook, Blueprint: Review]

Josie and the Pussycats (2001) [Todd Liebenow, Forgotten Films]

Mirrormask (2005) [Rishabh Vashishtha, Rishabh Vashishtha Reviews]

Wrong (2012) [Nick Rehak, French Toast Sunday]

Murder on the Orient Express (2017) [Sean Homrig, 1001 Movies Podcast]

Vote for the movie you want to win here! The poll will close on Sunday 27th February, it’s going to end on this date, dammit.
If you’d like to submit a film for a future Movie of the Month, leave a message in the comments, or contact us on Twitter (@LambThe) or email largeassmovieblogs(at)