Every so often when I’m compiling these weekly posts I’ll come across an apparently widely released movie starring actual famous people and with a half-decent critical score, but which I’ve never once heard of. Such is the case this week with Chappaquiddick. Apparently it had a trailer, stars Jason Clarke, Ed Helms, Kate Mara and Bruce Dern, and is at least watchable, but this also could be an incredibly elaborate...
It’s here! Potentially the most ambitious movie of all time! And we did a podcast on it, just like everyone else!
Jay Cluitt was joined by Bubbawheat, Jeanette Ward, Tony Cogan and newcomer Sophie Athawes to re-enact a full blow-by-blow of the entire Avengers: Infinity War plot, so if you haven’t seen it then you should really pay attention to the spoiler wall warning, as we cover everything, even things not...
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!
Once again it has been proven that, at least when it comes to the Movie of the Month poll, persistence certainly pays off, as this month’s winner is a film that has been put forward time and time again, and it has finally achieved the hallowed title of Movie of the Month! That’s right, for the month of May we’ll be talking about… Midnight...
Just one movie for you this week, the latest from Spielberg, Ready Player One. On a personal note, this was my most anticipated movie for 2018, and yes I’m a little disappointed not everyone enjoyed it as much as me, and in fact I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as I’d hoped to, but it was liked enough to make it onto the Lambscores Top 10, if only temporarily. I wonder how long it will stay there! Anyway,...
Anime! Frustration! Kids! Superheroes! More superheroes! All this and more on this week’s Lambcast!
Richard Kirkham takes his first turn in the hosting chair and is joined by Audrey Fox, Tony Cogan, Zoe Rose Smith and JD Duran to run through their own personal top 5 lists. Audrey goes gaga for child actors, Zoe lets out some work frustration, Tony gets animated over anime and JD and Richard almost team up for a superhero...
Two films for you this week: the big-budget popcorn sequel to Pacific Rim and the no-budget shot-entirely-on-an-iPhone Unsane from Steven Soderbergh. I don’t know about you, but I for one would like to see an experiment where the production processes of these two movies was switched. What would Soderbergh do with a big pile of money when it came to shooting a very small film? And think of the ingenuity required to...
It’s been a long time since we recorded a Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately show and, given how much fun this week’s episode was, clearly we shouldn’t let such a long gap happen again.
Jay was joined by Nick, David and Kami to chat about some movies they’ve seen recently, ranging from a near-silent horror, a crime-thriller, a weather-based disaster flick and whatever the heck Super Inframan is....