Archive for the ‘Blogathons’ Category

  • LAMB MOTM Reminder: September

    by Rachel · Sep 25, 2008 at 19:17 CEST · MOTM · 1 Comment
    LAMB MOTM Reminder: September

    Sorry this is kind of late, but September just flew by. Just a reminder that anyone wanting to participate in the MOTM feature has until next Monday (9/29) to get a review of the movie EuroTrip to me. Send links of your reviews to [email protected], titled “LAMB MOTM Submission” by 12:00 CST on Monday. Please let me know your site and whether you liked/loved, disliked/hated or were indifferent to the...

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  • LAMB MOTM for August: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

    by Rachel · Sep 1, 2008 at 3:16 CEST · MOTM · 10 Comments
    LAMB MOTM for August: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

    There wasn’t a whole lotta love this go around for the MOTM. What happened to everybody? Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, suggested by J.D. at Valley Dreamin’ was this month’s random pick, and seemed to spark some excitement when I announced it back in July. Here’s some link love for the (very few) participating LAMBs.

    Because I Saw the Film

    The Flick Chick
    No Smoking...

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  • LAMB MOTM Reminder-August

    by Rachel · Aug 24, 2008 at 22:21 CEST · MOTM · 8 Comments
    LAMB MOTM Reminder-August

    If you plan on participating in LAMB MOTM, I need links to your reviews of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by this Saturday (8/30) at 12:00 CST. The official post goes up on August 31st. Please send your links to [email protected], and let me know if you like/love, dislike/hate, or are indifferent to the movie. And remember, even if you reviewed it awhile back, you can still send me your link and it will be...

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  • LAMB MOTM for July: The Conversation

    by Rachel · Jul 31, 2008 at 17:00 CEST · MOTM · 30 Comments
    LAMB MOTM for July: The Conversation

    It’s the last day of the month and you know what that means: LAMB MOTM time. The Conversation, suggested by Anil at The Long Take (check out his Oscars vs. Cannes post regarding the MOTM), was this month’s random pick. Here’s some link love for the participating LAMBs.

    Matte Havoc
    Big Mike’s Movie Blog
    The Flick Chick
    The Dark of the Matinee
    Movies et...

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  • LAMB MOTM-July

    by Rachel · Jul 23, 2008 at 2:15 CEST · MOTM · No Comments
    LAMB MOTM-July

    I know Fletch reminded you all the other day, but this is to doubly remind you. If you plan on participating in LAMB MOTM, I need links to your reviews of The Conversation by next Wednesday (7/30) at 12:00 CST. The official post goes up on July 31st. Please send your links to [email protected], and let me know if you like/love, dislike/hate, or are indifferent to the movie. And remember, even if you reviewed it...

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  • LAMB MOTM for June: The Big Lebowski

    by Rachel · Jun 30, 2008 at 16:06 CEST · MOTM · 5 Comments
    LAMB MOTM for June: The Big Lebowski

    Well, it’s finally the end of the month and it’s time for the results of our new feature: LAMB MOTM. The Big Lebowski, suggested by Nayana at The Center Seat, was this month’s pick. Here is what your fellow LAMBs thought of it.

    Watch It
    Big Mike’s Movie Blog
    The Center Seat
    Matte Havoc
    Invasion of the B Movies
    Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob

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  • LAMB MOTM Reminder-June

    by Rachel · Jun 21, 2008 at 16:19 CEST · MOTM · No Comments
    LAMB MOTM Reminder-June

    Just a friendly reminder that if you’re participating in the LAMB MOTM (official title) event for June, I need links to your reviews of The Big Lebowski by next Sunday (6/29) at 12:00 CST. The official post goes up on June 30th. Please send your links to [email protected], and let me know if you like/love, dislike/hate, or are indifferent to the movie. And remember, even if you reviewed it awhile back, you can still...

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  • LAMB MOTM Pick for June

    by Rachel · Jun 8, 2008 at 14:42 CEST · MOTM · 6 Comments
    LAMB MOTM Pick for June

    I know you’ve all been eagerly awaiting the weekend so I’d finally announce the LAMB MOTM for June. That or so you can finally catch You Don’t Mess with the Zohan. I’m here to help you on the former, but if it’s the latter you seek, may I suggest professional help?

    First, I’d like to thank all 17 (!) LAMB members who sent in their movie title suggestions. There were some great submissions...

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  • LAMB MOTM Suggestions Reminder-June

    by Rachel · Jun 6, 2008 at 15:18 CEST · MOTM · No Comments
    LAMB MOTM Suggestions Reminder-June

    This is just a reminder that your submissions for our first MOTM event are due by 12:00 p.m. (CST) tomorrow (Saturday). I’ve already received quite a few film suggestions that cover a vast array of genres, but if you’d like to add your two cents, email me your submission with your site name to [email protected]. See a list of rules here.

    I will draw the lucky winner out of a hat (and by hat I mean my lucky martini...

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  • LAMB Movie of the Month

    by Rachel · Jun 2, 2008 at 17:23 CEST · MOTM · 6 Comments
    LAMB Movie of the Month

    Hello fellow LAMBs. Rachel here from Rachel’s Reel Reviews. We’re kicking off a new monthly LAMB event and I’ll be your hostess. So, for your consideration, behold the Lamb Movie of the Month (working title until further notice).

    The Plan:

    1. The first week of every month LAMBs will submit their suggestion for a possible movie for everyone to watch and review.

    2. Anyone who wants to...

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