Archive for the ‘LAMBcast’ Category

  • LAMBcast #127: Roll Your Own Top 5

    by Dylan · Aug 13, 2012 at 5:21 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 6 Comments
    LAMBcast #127: Roll Your Own Top 5

    I don’t want to oversell his participation or downplay the involvement of others on the show, but there’s something about the rarity of a Nolahn appearance on the LAMBcast that makes it a must-listen show.  That something is actually probably two big somethings, one being his Steve Honeywell-like epic rants and the second actually being the subject of this show: his ability to make hilarious, off-kilter top five...

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  • LAMBcast #126: Bring A Discussion Topic

    by Dylan · Aug 7, 2012 at 13:10 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 7 Comments
    LAMBcast #126: Bring A Discussion Topic

    It was high time we tried something a little new, so for episode 126, we eschewed our traditional “feature discussion” in favor of several mini-discussions, in which each participant brought a topic to the table, giving us a wide variety of conversations.  On hand was your Shepherd Joel, Alan, Bubbawheat, Dylan, and joining us for the first time, Andrew Crump of A Constant Visual Feast.

    (By the way, I apologize in advance...

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  • Podcast Blustering: The LAMBcast

    by Shep. Burman · Jul 27, 2012 at 12:00 CEST · LAMBcast · 7 Comments
    Podcast Blustering: The LAMBcast

    It’s Blusterin’ Time!

    But its not the usual Blog Blustering you are used too, I have decided to mix it up but I’ll be mixing up the blog blustering posts with these podcast blusterings on individual podcast episodes from the LAMB podcasting network.

    So the rules are the same as in the Blog Blustering but here’s the re-cap:

    What I do is list a podcast episode; you critique it. But...

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  • LAMBcast #125: The Dark Knight Rises

    by Dylan · Jul 27, 2012 at 2:53 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · No Comments
    LAMBcast #125: The Dark Knight Rises

    I feel dumb typing anything here, other than the names of the show participants.  For the quasquicentennial episode of the LAMBcast, we talked about the only movie anyone is talking about at the moment.  You might have seen it.  It being the biggest movie of the year, the show runs a bit longer than I usually like, but I figured that it wasn’t every week that the end of one of the best trilogies comes to town.  On hand for the...

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  • LAMBcast #124: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    by Dylan · Jul 23, 2012 at 3:00 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 1 Comment
    LAMBcast #124: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    Sometimes we play serious games (LAMBpardy).  Sometime we get serious with our Movies of the Month.  Sometimes we get goofy with things like actor’s career drafts.  And sometimes we just like to talk about what we’ve been watching lately.  This is one of those times, as I was joined by Nick, Kai and Stevee to go over some of our recent viewings.

    Also on tap:

    * Rants and Raves of the Week
    * Last LAMB...

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  • MOTM/LAMBcast #123: The Shape of Things

    by Dylan · Jul 17, 2012 at 5:05 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, MOTM Champions, Podcasts · 2 Comments
    MOTM/LAMBcast #123: The Shape of Things

    Neil LaBute’s fifth feature film (following such indie hits as In the Company of Men and Your Friends and Neighbors) came and went pretty quietly in 2003, despite featuring such current luminaries as Paul Rudd and Rachel Weisz (as well as Gretchen Mol).  Based on LaBute’s play of the same name, it follows the pattern he set of focusing on gender dynamics, featuring brutal, often funny dialogue and low...

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  • LAMBcast #122: LAMBpardy #6

    by Dylan · Jul 9, 2012 at 5:31 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · No Comments
    LAMBcast #122: LAMBpardy #6


    Once more, Kai puts on his Alex Trebek hat to play host for our version of Jeopardy.  Back in the champ chair is Dylan, this time challenged by Fogs and Joanna.  Did they take his title? Listen and find out!

    LAMBpardy episopdes are a semi-regular feature of the LAMBcast, so if you’d like to be a player in the future, keep an eye out over at the Forums, as demand is high and...

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  • LAMBcast #121: Brave

    by Dylan · Jul 1, 2012 at 16:00 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 4 Comments
    LAMBcast #121: Brave

    For the 121st LAMBcast, we take a look at the 13th film from Pixar, Brave.  Dylan didn’t get to see the flick in time, so Sebastian returned to the hosting chair for the second time, and was joined by The Vern, Max, Nick Rehak and first-timer Erik of The Movie Review Warehouse.

    Also on tap:

    * Rants and Raves of the Week
    * Last LAMB Standing

    A few notes:

    * The show can be found, of course,...

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  • LAMBcast #120: Prometheus

    by Dylan · Jun 24, 2012 at 4:46 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 1 Comment
    LAMBcast #120: Prometheus

    For those who still haven’t heard enough about Prometheus, or perhaps are just dying to hear what us folks at the LAMBcast have to say, we present you with our episode dedicated to Ridley Scott’s Alien quasi-prequel.  Your host Dylan is joined by Nick, Fogs, Sebastian and first-time LAMBcaster Iba of i luv cinema, making her podcast debut (and excellently so, I might add).

    Items frequently mentioned in this...

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  • LAMBcast #118: Brian Roan vs. the World

    by Dylan · Jun 10, 2012 at 13:00 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 1 Comment
    LAMBcast #118: Brian Roan vs. the World

    From the onset, this seemed like a bad idea – one podcast, eight people.  Our previous high for participants on a LAMBcast was six, and my general line of thinking is that any more than five leaves the potential for listener overload, particularly if the listener is not familiar with all of the voices that they’re hearing.  But the thought of throwing seven fans of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World against one hater was just...

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  • Actor’s Career Draft Poll Results: Tom Cruise

    by Dylan · Jun 6, 2012 at 16:45 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 2 Comments
    Actor’s Career Draft Poll Results: Tom Cruise

    The results are in and the people have spoken!  On episode #117 of The LAMBcast (you might have heard it – it’s the one with those LAMMY things on it), we held our first Actor’s Career Draft (I still can’t decide if that possessive “‘s” should be there or not), in which Courtney, Joel, Alan, Nick and I cycled through Tom Cruise’s filmography, selecting films of his to be on our...

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  • LAMBcast addendum: Vote on our Actor’s Career Draft!

    by Dylan · May 30, 2012 at 16:15 CEST · LAMBcast · 7 Comments
    LAMBcast addendum: Vote on our Actor’s Career Draft!

    I was going to wait a few days to post this as a means to incentivize people to listen to the show prior to seeing and voting on our picks, but with the LAMMY nominations included in episode #117, I’m not exactly sure I really need to worry about that.  With over 200 downloads already, it’s safe to say that most of you have heard it…that is, unless you skipped right over the Cruise Draft and went straight to the...

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