Archive for the ‘LAMBcast’ Category

  • The next Movie of the Month will be…

    by Dylan · Aug 27, 2011 at 13:00 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM · 9 Comments
    The next Movie of the Month will be…

    The poll results are in – thank you to the 80 voters (tying the record high) who took part. The next MOTM will be Bande à parte. Here’s what needs to go down from here:

    * The first thing you need to know is that September 24th is the big day.

    * You have four weeks to watch the flick (if you haven’t already) and to write up something, then send me the link (dylan at to either...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #80: The Long Kiss Goodnight

    by Dylan · Aug 20, 2011 at 19:40 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 8 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #80: The Long Kiss Goodnight

    Renny Harlin’s 1996 film The Long Kiss Goodnight was, for better or worse, mostly left behind by audiences. With a $65 million budget and close to $100 million in worldwide receipts, it undoubtedly made money, but its $33 million gross in the United States stamped the film as a failure in spite of overall positive reviews. More to the point, since its release, it seems to have been largely forgotten by film fans, wedged somewhere in...

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  • LAMBcast #79: 5-on-5

    by Shep. Burman · Aug 16, 2011 at 22:44 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 2 Comments
    LAMBcast #79: 5-on-5

    Boy, oh boy, that sure is one smashingly sexy pic of Daniel Craig, ain’t it? Wondering why I chose it as the featured image for this episode? Well, all will be revealed in time. For #79, Nick tries out a new spin on an old fave, namely with a feature discussion segment he deemed as 5-on-5 (and if you think that sounds gay, what with five gents being involved in the recording of the show…just wait till it starts!). Anyway, he was...

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  • LAMBcast #78: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

    by Shep. Burman · Aug 1, 2011 at 1:32 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 1 Comment
    LAMBcast #78: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

    Well, the intention was to talk about Deahtly Hallows, Part 2, anyway. Instead, it turned into a lengthy discussion on just about all of the Potter films (and books), as superfan Nick hosted the ep alongside Potter reader Sebastian and film watcher-only Dylan. If you’re into the minutiae of the series, then this is the show for you.

    Also on tap:

    * Rants of the Week
    * Raves of the Week
    * Last LAMB...

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  • LAMBcast #77: LAMBpardy!

    by Shep. Burman · Jul 23, 2011 at 18:25 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 6 Comments
    LAMBcast #77: LAMBpardy!

    Will this become another recurring feature/topic/whatever on the LAMBcast? Something tells me it will. We had a ton of fun recording this, and I think you ought to have some fun listening to it as well, as Kai, Jason and Sam attempt to get all the right questions to the answer clues I throw at them (I even had fun coming up with all these silly clues). Can you do better than they would have done?

    We’ll do another LAMBpardy ep in...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #76: The Third Man

    by Dylan · Jul 16, 2011 at 15:00 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 2 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #76: The Third Man

    Veteran LAMBcaster James was pushing hard for The Third Man to be the next MOTM for a few months now, and he finally got his way. The 1949 drama starring Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles is regularly included on lists of the best noir films and was voted in 1999 as the best British film of the 20th century by the BFI.

    For those unfamiliar with it, the plot synopsis from IMDb:

    “An out of work pulp fiction novelist, Holly...

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  • LAMBcast #75: Roll Your Own Top 5

    by Shep. Burman · Jul 12, 2011 at 6:59 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 5 Comments
    LAMBcast #75: Roll Your Own Top 5

    The plus-sized episode 75 brings back another recurring topic to the LAMBcast – namely, Roll Your Own Top 5, where each LAMBcaster comes to the table with a list of their imagination. On board were Nick, Sam, Dan, Courtney and Dylan to discuss everything from book adaptations to non-spidery spiders to title sequences and even something that might tie in to the picture you see to you right.

    While I’m here, I must give my...

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  • LAMBcast #74: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    by Shep. Burman · Jul 5, 2011 at 23:12 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 4 Comments
    LAMBcast #74: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    My apologies for the late posting of this episode – you’d think that a long holiday weekend would have given me more time to get this done, but it had the opposite effect.

    Anyway, ep 74 saw us returning to an old favorite – namely, discussing some of our recent viewings. Steadfast LAMBcasters Dylan, James and Nick were treated to something that I think is pretty cool: Anomalous Material’s Red Georges was able to...

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  • LAMBcast #73: The LAMMY-nominated Podcasts Roast

    by Shep. Burman · Jun 26, 2011 at 6:10 CEST · 2011 LAMMYs, LAMBcast, Podcasts, The LAMMYs · 9 Comments
    LAMBcast #73: The LAMMY-nominated Podcasts Roast

    It’s funny – I think I usually refer to this show as the “homage” or “tribute show” to the LAMMY-nominated podcasts, but let’s be honest – it’s more like a roast, since we’re less about singing praises (just this once) and more about having fun with the shows. Offensive? Perhaps, but as I say in the show, we’re lovers of these podcasts and are doing this all in good fun, so...

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  • LAMBcast #72: X-Men: First Class

    by Shep. Burman · Jun 19, 2011 at 22:11 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 13 Comments
    LAMBcast #72: X-Men: First Class

    Dylan, James and Rachel are joined by not one but two new members of the LAMBcast class – Sam of Duke and the Movies and Dan of Lee and Dan’s Midnight Movie Club – as we discuss that supposed First Class of X-Men. We also get into a spirited debate over that eternal question: To Popcorn or Not To Popcorn?

    Also on tap:

    * Rants of the Week
    * Raves of the Week
    * Last LAMB...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #71: The Thing

    by Dylan · Jun 11, 2011 at 19:15 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 10 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #71: The Thing

    It seemed inevitable that The Thing would finally become the MOTM, after a couple progressively better showings in the polls (just as it seems inevitable that The Third Man will win one of these months). Good thing, too (no pun intended), as it’s a hell of a film. Interestingly enough, it wasn’t deemed a classic (and wasn’t commercially successful, either) upon its release, where it barely earned its budget back and arrived...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #68: Oldboy

    by Dylan · May 16, 2011 at 11:00 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 10 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #68: Oldboy

    The voters in our last MOTM poll overwhelmingly selected Oldboy as this month’s film, and it’s not hard to see why. Chan-wook Park’s genre-spanning 2003 film shockingly was not an instant classic, but has become more than a cult icon in the eight years since its release, climbing the IMDb Top 250 (it currently sits at #97) and, more importantly, becoming more and more known as one of the quintessential Asian films of the new...

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