Plugs 11/12
I know I normally have some picture of an electrical outlet or something like that to accompany the Plugs post, but when I spotted this one, I couldn’t resist using it. Please ignore the left-leaning overtone (especially if you’re right-leaning) and focus on how great it is that a lamb…
Plugs 10/18
I didn’t formally request plugs from y’all, but I have a few stashed up that I wanted to get up before it’s too late (if it isn’t already): * New LAMB Noirish City is hosting an Alfred Hitchcock Trivia Contest, and it’s taking place throughout the month of October. Scroll…
LAMB #194 – Noirish City
URL: Name: Noirish CityCategories: Interviewing fellow bloggers about their blogs, occasional movie contest, reviewing films and talking favorite books with fellow bloggers, that I hope to interview on my blog. Rating: General (General Audience) Parental Guidance (PG-13)MPGG Rating…. G or PG (The only reason for the PG rating is…