
I know I normally have some picture of an electrical outlet or something like that to accompany the Plugs post, but when I spotted this one, I couldn’t resist using it. Please ignore the left-leaning overtone (especially if you’re right-leaning) and focus on how great it is that a lamb is telling you to vote, which coincides perfectly with the first few Plugs…

* Voter turnout for Who are LAMB? (our quick demographics survey) is currently about 30%. Please, if you haven’t yet, take two little minutes (if that) to participate. I’d really appreciate it. Last day to vote is 11/18. Here’s the link: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/362905

* While you’re over there at Mister Poll, we’ve also got another in our continuing Top 10s series going on, but instead of picking just action or comedy, I’ve asked you for your overall ten favorites. An impossible task? Naaah. Last day to vote for this one is 11/16. http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/364700

* One final LAMB-centric Plug – our first-ever LAMBlog-a-Thon hits the tubes starting 11/15. Joe C. from Cinema Fist will be handling the hosting duties, and the first round asks, in the spirit of Turkey Day, who in Hollywood are you thankful for? The catch is that you can’t pick an actor or director (too easy and they get enough love as it is). The details are here.

* Our first (and I believe only) French-language LAMB (Acheter et Entretenir sa Tronçonneuse) has some big news. I’ll let JP tell it:

“I’m not sure exactly why, but almost half of my readership is made up of Anglophones (yes, that’s you). To read me you need to use the “English” link above and, automagically, it turned the blog into some kind of weird English-like language that may – or may not – help you understand what the hell I’m talking about. That’s nice, but far from perfect.

So, I will (slightly) reduce my posting frequency, but that means that I can put a little more time on each post so the decision that I took is to make Acheter et Entretenir sa Tronçonneuse a bilingual blog.

From now on, no more Google translation gibberish, you will have instead Ghidorah’s poor English skills gibberish.”

* Dark City Dame of Noirish City is having another contest, and it’s even focused directly on you LAMBs. Here’s the deets:

“In honor of film critic Dean Treadway, joining me for 30 days in November to discuss 30 of his favorite films from 2000-present, I am having another contest for the month of November.

BTW, if you miss the first question just email me and I will email the answer to you. Instead of, answering 30 questions (1 per day for the entire month) I decided that the contest will only consist of 4 questions asked (1 per week until the end of the month). And, the contest is only “open” to members of the LAMB.”

* Finally, it’s nearly done (but not quite), but Paul from Careful with That Blog, Eugene is hosting a blog-a-thon as well. It’s titled Horrors: The Universal Horror Blog-A-Thon. Here’s some info:

“So, have you seen a Universal Horror movie? Are you convinced that Van Helsing was a spectacular film? Want to convince the world that The Raven sucked? Pissed that Frankenstein had more elements from a Nathaniel Hawthorne short story than Mary Shelly’s novel?

Hands off, that one’s mine.

If you have something to say, anything to say at all about the Universal cannon, from Phantom of the Opera to the Werewolf of London, please, drop by.”

And here’s the awesome artwork he’s got for it:

Got a plug of your own? An upcoming blog-a-thon, contest, or other event? Email me or post the details at the LAMB Forum (there’s a thread in the LAMB Bidness section).

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