Neil LaBute’s fifth feature film (following such indie hits as In the Company of Men and Your Friends and Neighbors) came and went pretty quietly in 2003, despite featuring such current luminaries as Paul Rudd and Rachel Weisz (as well as Gretchen Mol). Based on LaBute’s play of the same name, it follows the pattern he set of focusing on gender dynamics, featuring brutal, often funny dialogue and low...
This post comes at least a week late, and for that, I apologize. You have just two weeks to watch the film, though if it helps at all, it is available to view on Netflix streaming.
Somehow, some way, Dan Gvozden’s MOTM pick took down some titans. If you’d asked me to predict The Shape of Things’ finishing place amongst the 10 films in the last MOTM poll, I’m not sure if I’d have guessed it...