
Well, unless you’re blind and/or really hungover, you’ve noticed that there are some aesthetic changes to the LAMB that have been made recently. Though I’m still working on a couple things (I’m no programmer), the new look is pretty much intact, and as a big bonus, the wonderful Mrs. Fletch has helped the LAMB out in a big way, crafting the buttons you see below, as well as the header you see above. (Mrs. Fletch co-owns a graphic design business called Ripe Creative, by the way – here’s their site.)

Anyway, as many of you had suggested (and I had planned to do at…some point), here is an array of buttons for you to choose from that can be posted on your site(s). It’s the same deal as any of those buttons from any of the myriad blog directories – just grab the code listed below the one you like and paste into an HTML text box or link list (you can figure it out) and voila! A linked button to the LAMB. I’ll be putting some text on my sidebar that links to this post for future use by either you or any future LAMBs.

ETA: If you’re on WordPress and having issues with any of these widgets, see comments at the bottom of this post.

Thanks again to Mrs. Fletch, and let me know if you guys or gals have any other LAMB suggestions.

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

UPDATE 2/2/08: For those of you with black backgrounds on your site(s), here are some buttons with, uh, black backgrounds. It was driving Mrs. Fletch and I (and probably you) crazy to see white backrgounds on sites with black backgrounds. Crazy? You bet.

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

UPDATE 8/25/08: For those of you with backgrounds that aren’t black or white, this button will blend to whatever background color you have (Thanks go out to Dreamrot of $7 Popcorn).

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

UPDATE 3/21/10: For all you horror bloggers out there (or perhaps just those with dark minds), here’s a custom banner that I wholeheartedly approve of (Thanks go out to Ghidorah of http://acheteretentretenirsatronconneuse.com/blog).

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

UPDATE 6/28/10: Here’s another one for the horror-inclined, created and submitted to me by Chris of Unflinching Eye. It features an image from the film Black Sheep (as I believe the one above does as well).

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

UPDATE 10/14/10: Here’s another one, this time for those folks that might like to include a LAMB logo alongside their Twitter/Facebook/other social networking icons. This one was altered by the designers over at Bestforfilm.com – thanks!

Large Association of Movie Blogs

Large Association of Movie Blogs

WordPress bloggers: I’ve heard of some issues regarding these widgets, specifically related to getting the images to work properly. Here is a solution that has been offered that I’ve heard works:

* Go in Appearance > Widget. Make a new Text Widget in sidebar, paste code into that. Best is to save the picture, upload it by going to “Media” then grab the link and paste that inside the code instead of the old link.

12 thoughts on “Spread some LAMB love!

  1. Mr. & Mrs. Fletch, I lika da new look! The buttons are great, it’s going to be hard to decide which I should put over on the RW. Makes me want to redesign my site.

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