
With the LAMB growing to almost 50 sites, it’s high time we take a weekly look at some of the best posts from the last week from our impressive, highly diverse group. I’m going to kick it off this week, but in the future, I’d like to get your thoughts on which posts (not from your site) should be the LAMB Chops for the given week. So, if you’d like to nominate anyone for the week of February 27 – March 4, please send me an email with the subject “LAMB Chops nomination.”

As this progresses, perhaps we can start thinking widgets and/or any other ways to publicize these posts – I’m open to your ideas for this and any other LAMB projects (I’m specifically looking for cool alternatives to presenting the posts; I’m not sure I like the format you see below). For now, here are the Chops for February 20 – 26 (in no particular order).

To read the particular post that’s been Chopped, just click on the picture.

Spaghetti Sauce and Sweet Peas has some words for Ethan Coen.

Ferdy on Films’ Rod Heath breaks down the history of the Best Picture (previously posted here on the LAMB).

The Center Seat counts down the best moments from Sunday’s Academy Awards.

I’m cheating as this was posted on the 19th, but Dave’s Movie Reviews takes an in-depth look at Run Lola Run (one of my favorites) as part of it’s Foreign Film February.

Karlhungus.com has had it with anti-pirates (anti-piracy ads, that is).

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