Because I didn’t feel like waiting until tonight to post this up (and to give more time to the winners to write their articles), I will now post the results for round 3. Nothing really went unexpected this round. The final round will be down to the popular vote and the underdog. So here are the results:
Asami Yamazaki Vs. Cherry Darling.
Fletch’s Cherry Darling (Planet Terror) has made it through yet again, finally knocking the twisted Asami (Audition) out of the game 4 to 2.
Kyra Vs. The Bride.
It was a match of luck versus popularity. Kyra has scraped through the competition based on luck of the draw, and The Bride has been, by far, the most popular contestant. And in what I believe to be an easy win based on popularity alone (and in the most-voted-for match of the round), The Bride beat out Kyra 9 to 2.
So there was round 3. The final round, round 4, will begin soon, and the winner of the 13 years and running Sirens event will be declared. Who will win it? Will it be The Bride, the obvious popular vote in the entire event? Or will it be Cherry Darling, the underdog, hand-picked for Fletch as a second character (just to help me out a bit with numbers). It’s up to you! And now, the Versus Bracket (click to enlarge):
Again, thank you to everybody who has been patient with me and this event. Also, thank you to everybody who participated in round three and/or are participating in round four! You’ve done and/or are doing an excellent job! Thanks again and keep up the good work! We’re almost there!